ACHS Makes Integrative Medicine Graduate Theses Freely Available Online

American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) has launched a free online repository of integrative medicine graduate theses available April 2015, furthering the College's mission to foster competence, professionalism, and cooperation in holistic healthcare.

The ACHS Theses & Capstone Projects repository contains full-text graduate theses from the 2014 academic year onward, and will be continually expanded each term.

The ACHS Theses & Capstone Projects repository provides free digital access to current inquiry and research in complementary alternative medicine, integrative medicine, and holistic health topics, including holistic nutrition, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, and health and wellness applications in fields like oncology, veteran’s services, rural medicine, autism spectrum, and business, among others.

“Our motto at the College is: Live well. Learn well. Educate others,” says ACHS President and Founder Dorene Petersen. “Sharing knowledge with the global complementary alternative medicine community is a core value at ACHS. Providing a free, open access repository of full-text, science-based theses is one way we can live up to our motto and educate others, as well as provide graduates with the opportunity to share their work and research. We’re honored to share graduate research with the online CAM community in hopes that accurate, science-based information on holistic health topics will continue to become common knowledge for a healthier world.”

The creation of this open access repository expands visibility for, and accessibility to high-quality research traditionally available through subscription library and database services, like the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database. The repository serves to collect, preserve, and disseminate the College’s intellectual output in digital form, increasing the availability of theses to students and scholars worldwide, further preserving and expanding knowledge of complementary alternative medicine.

To request an interview with Dorene Petersen or for more information about ACHS’s Theses & Capstone Projects repository, call (800) 487-8839. For more information about accredited graduate programs, prospective students may contact ACHS Admissions at (800) 487-8839 or visit the ACHS website.

About ACHS

American College of Healthcare Sciences has been educating industry leading holistic health professionals since 1978. ACHS is an accredited member of the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), which is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency, and is a recognized member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). ACHS is one of the only accredited holistic health colleges offering fully online graduate and undergraduate degrees, diplomas, career-training certificates, and continuing education courses in integrative medicine fields, such as aromatherapy, herbal medicine, holistic nutrition, and wellness coaching. 
